Internet in China are difference, example: Google are not the top search engine, they used, and etc. eBay / Yahoo are not popular, they used For online payment instead of PayPal they used 支付宝 For Instant Messaging they used QQ not YM, MSN nor GTalk.
Except seller who sell via eBay, most China shopping web site don’t accept PayPal. The main reason was the high withdraw rate impose by PayPal for transfer money to China bank.
If you want to buy items from China, TaoBao 淘宝网 are great resources (off cause you must know how to read Chinese) :-)
After some research and finding, below are how you can add money to 支付宝.
- 海外充 + PayPal
- Liberty Reserve + Gold2Ex 黄金网币兑换中心
- You have relative or friends in China who can open a China Bank Account for you. But the TT rate was expensive.
Below are simple steps and my experience using Liberty Reserve + Gold2Ex to reload 支付宝.
- Open an account at Liberty Reserve. Kindly use this link and you will be given US$0.05. Creating LR account is simple and no Credit Card verification needed. LR give lowest rate as compare to AlertPay, E-Gold, PerfectMoney, PayPal and etc.
- Add money to your Liberty Reserve. They are various methods you can add money - Credit Card, Bank Transfer and etc. For Malaysian I recommend Entelnova Global service because they provide good rate and looks trustworthy, payment can be done using Maybank / CIMB or RHB. For other options to transfer money to Liberty Reserve check out this link.
- Lastly to transfer your Liberty Reserve money to 支付宝 I recommend Gold2Ex 黄金网币兑换中心. Good rate and fast service and trusted.
Above just my experience and recommendation, I hold no responsibilities for any bad experience, unsatisfaction to your for using the above services.